

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Kenyan French bean production-A Success story.

Mr.. Mwangi started French bean farming 10 years ago after being frustrated by coffee millers___for a long time, earnings from coffee placed bread and butter on the table; but, not anymore!

In the 1990’s the international prices of coffee had gone down, there was also rampant corruption leading to losses to farmers; furthermore they were never paid in time!

Some farmers had to divorce themselves from coffee production; a crop reputed as the black gold of Kenya__ oh its luster had faded!

“I now earn a better income. Previously, I used to deliver my coffee berries to one of the millers, I don’t remember being paid on time; paying school fees for my children was a dream"image

“I can now afford to pay school fees for my six children, feed them and buy some property__thanks to French-bean farming.” He says.

“I was able to diversify my farming to include, 5 dairy cows that give me an average of 80 litres per day earning me Ksh 2,400 which is an equivalent of $ 28.” “I am now out of the poverty bracket.” he quips!

This story of success is similar to that of many farmers- learn how this crop can transform your life by reading this article and sharing it with your friends!

Why french beans farming?

There is a  high demand for crop in Europe throughout the year, this means that farmers can grow it year round and get market for the crop.

In fact it is the leading vegetable export from Kenya and it’s said that our french beans are the finest.

Secondly, the crop matures and is ready for harvest after 3 months from the sowing of the seeds.

The short maturity period allows farmers to recoup their investment after a short period.

Thirdly, the crop is harvested 3 times a week, for three to four months. Every time farmers harvest the crop, it is bought in cash by various brokers and traders.

This enables a farmer to have a healthy cash flow that allows him to undertake other activities like feeding his children, taking them to school and other home expenses; thus have a peace of mind.

lastly, one acre yields 4 tons of french beans; at a selling price Ksh 60 per kilo, farmer will  earn Ksh 240,000 by the end of the harvest.

After deducting all his expenses, it has been reported,farmers make an average profit of 80,000 shillings per acre after three months of growing french beans.

Some enterprising farmers lease several farms from neighbors or friends who live in towns and are not able to farm; such farmers earn hundreds of thousands from french beans.


French beans constitutes 40% of the vegetable exported from Kenya. In the export chain; we have farmers who grow the crop, middle men and exporters who contract farmers, airlines and logistics companies who are involved in shipping the product, the government as a regulator and the supermarkets in Europe where the crop is sold.

Over 100,000 farmers in The country are involved in the cultivation of the crop and over 200,000 have been employed in industries related to the crops production and marketing.

The export of the vegetable plays a key role in bolstering the foreign exchange the country earns from horticulture.

reasons of success of Kenya in french bean production

The country is successful in the production of the crops because we have suitable environmental conditions, a better human resource, better marketing strategy and good infrastructure.

With regard to the environment, the country lies astride the equator and has varying altitude ranging from 0-5199 Meters above sea level; a factor that enables year round production.

Most Kenyan farmers are fairly young, they are aged 40 and below, majority of who, have completed secondary education; therefore they can understand and comply to the quality requirements for export to the EU a principal market of Kenyan French beans.

This cannot be said of other African countries that are trying to compete with Kenya’s French bean industry.

The country’s geographical position is also suitable; one can fly to any African county from Nairobi- the capital city within four hours.

This geographical advantage has made Nairobi to be an international airline hub thus increasing the availability of airfreight-a paramount factor in export horticulture.

Large exporters also enter into joint ventures with Airlines to assured availability of airfreight space in cargo cabins.

The horticultural development authority,the private sector and ministry of agriculture have aggressively marketed the country for many years as a hub of horticulture.

Finally preferential trade agreement with the European union and other economic regional blocks have made Kenyan exports to gain access to such markets.


Production is concentrated around central Kenya; in areas of Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Mwea, and Meru because of the numerous rivers in the region that make year round production possible.

Many of agri-input companies operate within the region; drip lines, irrigation pumps, fertilizers, pesticides and technical information are always available to farmers.

The region’s proximity to Jomo Kenyatta international airport also makes it possible for the produce to arrive in Europe within 48 hours after harvest-when fresh condition.

Finally, the bean is adaptable to wide geographical altitudes and a variety of soils; from light sands to heavy clays, although, experts say it does better in well-drained loam soils rich in organic matter.

Ecological requirements

  1. Altitude 0-1800 Meters above sea level.
  2. Warm temperatures between 12-34 degrees; temperatures below 120 C encourage frost that is harmful to the crop on the other hand, temperatures above 340 C result to flower abortion.
  3. A well distributed rainfall throughout the year, 600-1500 mm.
  4. The soil should be well drained; a waterlogged soil will increase risk of root and collar rot, seed asphyxia during seed germination.
  5. French beans are very sensitive to salinity; saline soils must be avoided. 
  6. Fertilizer applications must be split up and applied in several installments to avoid excess doses of salts.

Considerations before planting

Before planting French bean on your farm, it is important to consider which preceding crops were on the field.

Some crops share the same diseases and pests with French beans; planting French beans areas where such crops were results to a build-up of pests and diseases.

It’s possible that previously sowed crops may have depleted the mineral resources in the soil thus making it necessary to supply additional nutrients to the soil.

The table below indicates the crops to avoid, those that have no effect on the soil condition and those that are beneficial if they had preceded French bean.

To be avoided as preceding crops Not useful as preceding crop Recommended as preceding crop

Peas, Beans
Melon Cucumber
zucchini, Watermelon

Pepper, Celery, Lettuce
Onion, Garlic,
Cereals like (Maize, Sorghum and Millet) Fodder grass
Sweet potato

The Growth Cycle of french beans

During sowing   the most important thing to consider  the is seed depth.

Research has demonstrated that the most optimal depth is 3-5 cm in sandy soils, while for heavy soils a depth of 2 cm is sufficient.

Period/timeline Observation/activity
0-10 days Seedling emergence
11-25 days Vegetative phase
35th day Commencement of flowering
50th day Harvesting commences
55-80 days Harvest period
The table above shows what a farmer should expect after sowing french beans.

Timing of the market is important; plant when the best prices are expected and in times of shortages. Flooding the market is disastrous to a farmer because the crop does not have local demand.

To insure yourself from total loss in seasons of overproduction, grow a variety of crops to diversify your source of income.

MANAGING DISEASES in french beans

The major disease of French beans is rust. It is caused by a fungus known as uromyces appendiculatus; fortunately it is effectively controlled two fungicides, Dithane M45 or Anvil.

To reduce the prevalence of this disease, avoid sprinkler irrigation; such irrigation wets the leaves thus providing a suitable condition for rust.

Where furrow irrigation is practiced, there is a high incidence of wilt and nematode attacks. The wilt is caused by a fungus known as fusarium oxysporum.

The best method of irrigation is drip irrigation; it allows direct application of water to the root zone.

Frequency of Harvesting

The date of seedling emergence depends on the variety of bean, the soil condition, and the altitude; factors that determine the commencement of harvesting.

It is expected that emergence will occur within 4-10 days. Flowering will commence after 28-35 days.

Farmers harvest French beans every Monday, Wednesday and Friday; days when they employ pickers to do the work for them.

On the days of harvest, buyers come and before the end of the day the produce is in a cold room in Nairobi awaiting export to Europe.

Harvesting lasts for 3-5 weeks and by the end of the harvest season, the farmer would have harvested 4-5 tons for every Hectare planted.

Application of Fertilizers

The table below gives an example of fertilizer regime that can be used to increase production.

Examples of fertilizer application (per Hectare) The figures are for quantity of input per hectare of actual crop
Fertilization Example 1
(Classic fertilization)
Example 2
(Alternative fertilization)
Example 3
Fertilization coupled with irrigation)
Basal dressing 10-20 tons organic matter 10-20  tons organic matter 10-15 tons organic matter
100 Kg K2SO4
100 kg 18-46-0
Correct application 1
(1st hoeing)
200-400 kg 10:10:20 200 Kg K2SO4
150 Kg DAP
100Kg K2SO4
100Kg 18-46-0
25 Kg Urea
40 Kg/week of 16-9-26 (soluble fertilizers)
20 Kg/week of 0-52-32 (soluble fertilizers)
Correct application 2
(2nd hoeing)
150-300 kg 10:10:20 150 Kg KNO3
50 Kg DAP
100Kg K2SO4
25 Kg Urea
40 Kg/week of 16-9-26 (soluble fertilizers)
20 Kg/week of 0-52-32 (soluble fertilizers)
Flowering to harvest Foliar spray Foliar spray 40 Kg of KNO3 (soluble fertilizers)
Inputs N:P:K 50-100/50-100/100-200 76/92/232 100/137/200
N/K2O balance 1/2 1/3 1/32




Tuesday 19 April 2011

Sunny days for sunflower growers

This crop is eliciting interest especially among small farmers who have historically grown maize. This is because the cost of producing maize has escalated exponentially over the last 10 years.


The high cost of farm inputs like fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides and the increase of fuel prices  has made maize farmers reduce their acreage of the crop. In a bid to sustain their income from the farm, farmers have started venturing to sunflower farming; a previously ignored crop.

Secondly, industrialists in Kenya who depend on the crop  for production have developed an interest in encouraging small scale farmers to venture into sunflower farming. They have been driven to that point by the ever volatile prices of edible oils in the international markets  that are making their operations expensive. This has created a boom in the sunflower business as growing demand creates a shortage in domestic market.

Current local consumption stands at 30,000 Metric tons against a production of 12,000; from small and large scale farmers. This has created a shortage of the seeds in the market, for oil production; as demand increases, has forced edible oils manufacturers to either import more or use other alternatives to sustain high production levels resulting to increased cost of vegetable oil and soap.

Currently, “Kenya is the lowest ranked in the region both in production and consumption of sunflower hence the need for the government and all other local players to come in and promote and enhance the growing of sunflower,” says Mr. Mbugua an Agronomist in the Ministry of Agriculture.


Sunflower is turning into a hot commodity because of the prices being offered by oil processors is increasing  because of the growing shortage. Oil manufacturers have been forced to either import more or use other alternatives to sustain production.

Bidco Oil Refineries Ltd  and other oil refineries are offering to buy sunflower stocks across the country in the hope that this will encourage farmers into planting more, with a kilo of seeds being bought for Ksh. 25.

25/= Amount

in Kenya shillings offered farmers for 1 Kilo of sunflower seeds.

Though farmers have sited lack of suitable hybrid seeds, preliminary investigation indicate that Kenya seed company has developed 12 varieties, 4 among them in collaboration with Kenya Agricultural Research Institute. On the other Hand, KARI has developed one variety while Pannar seed company has 2 varieties being sold in the Kenyan market.

One interesting fact is; these varieties have a yield potential varying between 2-4 tons per Ha. With the current prices being offered in the Market, a farmer who has properly maintained his farm has the possibility of earning between Ksh. 50,000-200,000 per Ha after 160 days from date of planting. These earnings include the expenses incurred during production.



or code

Year of

altitude range

Duration to

Seed production
tons per

H067 1974



Kenya white 1957 1500-2300

160-170 2-3
Kenya Fedha 1981


130-135 3-4
1981 1000-2300 130-135 3-4
H.894 1988 1500-2400 125-135 2-3
H.893 1988 1500-2400 130-135 2-3
H.898 1989 1500-2200 130-135 2-3
H.8998 1992 900-2200 120-125 2-3
PAN7352 1994 1000-2200 120-150 1.9-2.5
PAN 7369 1994 1000-2200 120-150 1.2-2.5
Kenya Almasi 2008 0-2500 120-134 1.5-2.5
KS-H4038 2008 1500-2300 110-120 3-3.6
KS-H4088 2008 1500-2300 113-130 3.6-4


It grows in soils ranging in texture from sand to clay. The amazing feature about this crop is that it done not require high levels of fertility like maize.

The recommended spacing is 75 x 50cm and 2 seeds per hole  will result in a plant population of 55,000  in one Hectare. In Areas receiving little rainfall, maintain low  plant densities of 33,000-45,000 in one Hectare.

For the highest yield,  60kg/Ha of Nitrogen and 80kg/Ha of Phosphorus will be sufficient. Early planting is important since the crop is able to utilize rain well when it is at the peak thus develop bigger flowers and more grains. It is important thing to consider is the planting depth which has an influence on the yield. The most appropriate planting depth is 7cm; planting at a depth of 9-15 cm reduces yields by between 10-28%.

Sunflower has relatively fewer labor demands than do other crops growing for cash e.g. Maize. Sunflower is harvested by cutting the head of and transporting it to a suitable place for drying.


The yield of sunflower is influenced by 3 factors

  • Number of heads per hectare
  • Number of seeds per head
  • Average weight per head.

It is therefore imperative to consult an agricultural officer to determine the correct seeding rate and soil fertility requirements.

Finally it is not recommended to plant the crop in the same plot for a long time because of pest buildup.  The highest yield of sunflower recorded in Kenya is 4 tons per Hectare.


A farmer must first determine the height above sea level in which his farm is located.  This can be done by consulting a map of your area or searching the internet.This will assist a farmer in knowing the most suitable variety bred for that area. Altitude has an influence on the temperature of an area, amount of rainfall received, sunlight intensity factors that are important in crop growth and production.Every variety has a special altitude in it best grows.  [Use the table above to identify the suitable variety]


Hybrid seeds can be sourced from Kenya seed company stockists and other Agri-Input suppliers. The next step is to sow the seeds in well prepared farm. A well prepared surface will determine the future agronomic practices that are going to be conducted e.g. weeding. A poorly prepared surface will increase the number of times weeding will be done.


 The greatest challenge they face is the area of marketing. A small scale farmer in a certain area may be willing to grow sunflower. Unfortunately the area is remote and he is the only one willing to do so. He cannot be able to harvest sufficient volumes so that he may benefit from the economies of scale. It may thus prove to be uneconomical for him to grow the crop and for a manufacturer to collect it from his farm. The solution for this would be farmers within a certain locality form a cooperative society, that will handle their issues.

Many large scale farmers are either contracted by Kenya seed company to grow hybrid seeds or by large oil manufacturers.




Thursday 7 April 2011

Small farmers approach to Fertilizing in greenhouse tomatoes Kenya.

Fertigation is combining the application of water and fertilizers through the irrigation drip system.A good fertility program ensures that all the 14 elements needed by plants are supplied. However there is a challenge in doing that; the cost involved since the various fertilizers required are rare and at times due to the different constitutions of fertilizers it is very difficult for farmers to know the appropriate amount and type of fertilizer to apply.

The suitable approach is to examine the locally available fertilizers to determine if a balanced nutrition is possible. After a lot of consideration, I identified the following fertilizers that have closely and after using them they met my expectations.The recommendation of scientists all over the world is that by the end of a growing season, 1 hectare of tomatoes will have utilized an average of ; 450kg of Nitrogen, 65kg of phosphorus and 710kg of potassium. These three elements are major elements since they required in huge amounts compared to other elements. This creates a special challenge for farmers especially in sub-Saharan Africa who lack technical skills how to mix fertilizers and who do not take the soil for testing.  
I have developed this simple strategy that solves this problem. It involves supplying greenhouse grade NPK fertilizer through fertigation combining it with foliar sprays and soil application of a specialty fertilizer known as Dolmax. This strategy utilizes locally available fertilizer mixes to achieve the above result while taking care of the required essential micro-elements. 

Why fertigation?
It is possible to apply the nutrients exactly and uniformly only to the wetted root volume, where the active roots are concentrated, therefore increasing the efficiency in the application of the fertilizer reducing fertilizer usage. This fertilizing method prevents under-fertilizing or over-fertilizing since it is adapted specifically to the crop throughout the growing season.  The other advantage is reduction of groundwater pollution caused by fertilizer leaching and finally actual nutritional requirement is easily met.
It is paramount to know the most favorable the daily nutrient consumption rate that results to maximum yield and production quality at the same time saving as money.
Dolmax fertilizer

This fertilizer has 9 elements out of the 14 required by tomatoes. So we need to get other fertilizers that provide most of the remaining elements because if we were to purchase single element fertilizers the total cost will be too high. If you carefully examine the above fertilizer, you will notice the major elements required by plants i.e. N, P, and K constitute a very small percentage of the total constitution of the fertilizer. We therefore need the following additional fertilizers.

Mixing the fertilizers
I have tried this combination of fertilizers giving me excellent results the figures for fertilizer requirement given here represent the amount of mix required for 1m2. Therefore to find the exact requirement for you greenhouse, multiply by the floor area covered by your greenhouse.

NPK [19:19:19] – Buy a greenhouse grade NPK fertilizer that is highly soluble. I recommend that you buy from Osho industries Nairobi. Sold in from of 15 Kg bag, and the fertilizer is pink in color.
Agro-feed [12:10:8+ TE] 
This fertilizer is manufactured by Osho industries. It is sold in 5 litre container packs. The advantage of using this fertilizer is that it supplies elements like boron, cobalt, molybdenum and copper those are not supplied by Dolmax or NPK.
Method of applying the fertilizer Step1. Amount of N.P.K required by 1m2 is 0.24Kg. To get the amount your greenhouse will require multiply the floor area of your greenhouse by 0.24
For example Mr. Koech's greenhouse has the following floor area measurements length 30 meters, width 20 meters. Find the amount of NPK fertilizer required.
Solution area= L x W
Therefore to get fertilizer required will be 
                   600x0.24= 144 kg 
This is the amount of fertilizer required for the full season of 120 days. To get the daily fertilizer requirement we divide 144kg with 120 days to give us 1.2 Kg/day. This is what you will put in the irrigation tank every day for fertigation for 120 days. The solution is pumped by a moneymaker pump to the drip lines that supply every plant.
Step2. Apply two tablespoon of Dolmax fertilizer to every plant. The purpose of this fertilizer is to supply calcium, magnesium and micro elements to the plants. This should be repeated after every one month and should be stopped when the fruits have attained a diameter of 3 cm.
Step3. Apply Agro-feed [12:10:8+ TE] after every 2 weeks after the crop attains the age of 2 months. Put 40-50ml in a knapsack sprayer and add 20 litres of water and 10 ml of a wetting agent spray the leaves. 
Once the crop has started fruiting and fruits have attained a diameter of 3-5 cm discontinue all fertilizer application. 






Tuesday 5 April 2011

Rude shock for farmers with small greenhouses in Kenya

The marketers did a good job saying
"Tomatoes are very profitable crops because they are very productive if maintained well. Data from the ministry of Agriculture indicate that the year 2010 was the most profitable to farmers since the price of 1kg of tomato was ranging between $ 0.4-0.9. In technologically advanced countries like Israel, 1 ha of greenhouse produces up to 100 tons of fruit. Scientists all over the world have established that other than cut flowers; tomatoes, sweet pepper and cucumbers are some of the vegetables that can be produced economically in a greenhouse. The best cultivars for greenhouse production are the indeterminate varieties. These varieties can grow up to a length of 15 meters. One plant has a potential of up to 10 kg at first harvest, going up to 30 kg by the time it has completed its full cycle". BUT….OOPS many farmers were in for a rude shock! - Their savior had let them down!

Potential Profits lured many farmers and non farmers into purchasing greenhouses that were being marketed by some Agri-input suppliers. Many people were eager to adopt this technology because of the following reasons.

  • This technology is associated with the rich and famous politicians, multinational corporations and EX- PRESIDENTS SO T'WAS OBVIOUS that small greenhouses will attract a following. By the way who does not want to be the first in the village to own such a structure!
  • The economy was performing well thus the availability of credit from banks who previously considered farmers to be risky but due to increased economic prosperity, they had to fund farmers coz of excess funds
  • Government initiatives like youth empowerment fund and women empowerment fund that unlocked funding for farmers.
  • Farmers were convinced that the shorter period of crop maturity of two months for greenhouse-produced tomatoes was a fair bargain compared to the 4-5 months for outdoor farming.
  • Apart from huge savings on crop protection chemicals, which constitute a huge part of production costs, less labor is employed in a greenhouse, while exposure to chemical toxins associated with application is minimized or eliminated altogether. It is also good for the environment.


Because of the above reasons, farmers were convinced to invest in a greenhouse kit, the cheapest comprising a 500 liters water tank, irrigation drip lines, plastic sheet, seeds and chemicals has been put at Ksh150,000 ($2,239) for those participating in the project. These companies had put some efforts in providing extension services to the farmers who purchased the greenhouses but that was not enough because Farmers were scattered all over the country thus it became very expensive and difficult to manage them leading to a high failure rate of this project.


Unfortunately most of the farmers did not have prior knowledge on greenhouse management strategies; the FOLLOW UP/ EXTENSION SERVICES initiated by promoters did little to increase their knowledge base. Neither were they exposed to the methods of identifying diseases like bacterial wilt; a destructive disease, pest of agro-chemicals among other pertinent issues.


There is light at the end of the tunnel.

I abide by the fact that such type of farming is profitable but more needs to be done to increase the knowledge of the farmers on greenhouse technology. Many farmers are having challenges on controlling heat in their greenhouse, using the appropriate foliar sprays and hormones to boost the productivity, mixing of fertilizers, controlling diseases like bacterial wilt and pests like white flies, aphids and above all harvesting sufficient water to last for the entire season. Every farmer experiences a unique problem in his greenhouse and it is difficult if not impossible to develop a handbook detailing each problem a farmer is likely to experience, but thanks to technology a forum like this will enable us to share some of the challenges and come up with appropriate mitigation measures.

How to share your problem with us

Briefly describe the general condition of your greenhouse e.g.

  1. Type of soil/media used
  2. Size of greenhouse especially its height above the ground
  3. Other crops that you planted in the greenhouse before moving to tomatoes
  4. Type of agricultural inputs that you use foliar feeds, pesticides, hormones, fertilizers, fungicides e.t.c
  5. If you experience diseases in the greenhouse briefly describe the symptoms of the disease and if you can share with us a photograph we will appreciate
  6. History of the greenhouse
  7. And any other information that may be useful in diagnosing the problem

This type of information will enable us to get the big picture and advice you accordingly.


Thank you.

Haron Mogeni.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Diagnosing diseases of tomatoes in the Greenhouse

1.Examine individual plants carefully, noting which leaves or other parts exhibit symptoms.2. Use a magnifying lens to look for signs of the presence pests themselves, eggs, cast skins, etc.), mold, and fungal spores on the top and bottom leaf surfaces.
3.Uproot a few plants from the soil or containers. Nematodes, worms and other pests feed on the roots leading to spreading of bacterial, fungal or viral diseases. This may lead to soft decay of roots and wilting of the plant.
4.Have an open mind. Where do symptoms occur most? Ask yourself this question. It may be where there is a drainage problem, where the roof of greenhouse is torn, at the openings. Solving this problem is the beginning of management of disease.
5. What is the history of the greenhouse? Consider the cultural practices that have been undertaken in the past. For example have you used manure for the first time, have you used any fertilizer/material at a higher rate than usual.
6.Seek advice from experienced farmers, literature, and notes from grower seminars, Extension agents, and consultants.
7. Form a tentative diagnosis, and send samples representative of early and intermediate stages of the problem to a diagnostic lab.
8. After knowing the problem, get rid of plants with transmittable diseases and take appropriate control measures.
9. Maintain watch on the crop carefully. The preliminary finding is just a part of the story. For instance: You established a powdery mildew infestation and treated the crop for them, but a whitefly infestation they were carrying might appear later.