

Sunday 14 December 2014

How to Grow Strawberry the Easy and Profitable Way

If your land is idle or is under any other crop Then you’ve lost millions of shillings. Today I want to tell you, how profitable strawberry farming is in Kenya.
Should you start growing the crop immediately; hopefully you will CUT DOWN on some of your losses. So the urgency of your response matters so much…
IMG_4480 Strawberry farming will buy you those million shilling houses that are advertised on Sunday evening television.
If you already have a house, it could buy you a Prado from one of those yards along Mombasa road.
 Paying your for your child’s education or mortgage shouldn’t be stressing- IF you grow strawberry. But wait…
One thing you need to know. The information you find here is not available elsewhere. In fact, farmers who are already earning big money from strawberry farming would rather shut up, that share this SECRET!
Today, I’ll help you dissect all the secrets of strawberry farming. So you can earn from strawberry— the easy and profitable way.
“Could this be true?” Hmmmmm…
Dear hardworking farmer,
Farmers in Kenya are growing strawberry, and are smiling all the way to the bank. What about you? You know how much work and money you put into your farm.
Therefore, you too— deserve all the riches that come from the soil. But you need knowledge on how to do that. Unfortunately, this knowledge is rare. And most farmers would rather die than reveal this secret to you.
You need to know how much capital is required to start strawberry farming, the market for strawberry if it’s a good investment, where to find the correct planting material and whether your area is suitable for the crop.
Here below are some testimonials from farmers making HARD COLD CASH from strawberry.
Of all crops that I grow, strawberry is my biggest pride and joy. I produce and sell seedlings to other farmers in Nyeri and Karatina. Not only does the crop draw high value locally, but there exists a rich export market for well-grown strawberries.
Robert Kararu
Title of report: The rich pickings in strawberry farming
Source: Standard digital Nov 5, 2013.
The demand for strawberry outstrips supply. One grocery asked us for 200 punnets [packets] per week, another wants 50 Kg per week, and a yogurt manufacturing company wants 300 punnets per week…
We are not able to supply all the orders we receive on our own. Roughly we make as much as 100,000 shillings per week from this venture.
William Njoroge, and his brother Robert Gitau
Source: people June 19, 2014
Last time I was looking for fresh strawberries in Nairobi, it was a bit of a headache.
If you get fresh strawberry, they are pricey. Supermarkets package them in ¼ kg packs that sell for KES 250.
Nicky Thompson

Here is why strawberry COULD MAKE YOU RICH…
  • You can earn in two ways from the crop simultaneously; from selling the fruits, and sell the runners. This is because propagation of strawberry is through runners. One runner can sell for KES 15/=.
  • An acre of strawberry can produce over 100,000 runners in a year. That means runners alone have the potential of generating over 1.5 million in a year for you.
  • The crop is easy to grow; you can make a profit even from small spaces of land.
  • The crop has a long lifespan. It can live for 3-5 years and produce fruits and runners for you if well maintained.
  • The crop is easy to grow; you don’t need expensive equipment to harvest it- all you need is a hoe and your hands.
  • The market demand for strawberry fruits is so high, while the market supply is at bottom…
  • You harvest your fruit within 30-40 days after plants have flowered. Unlike in avocado where you have to wait for 5-7 months, mango 4-5months, and passion fruit 3-4 months.
  • You can harvest 3 times in a year, unlike other fruits that can be harvested once— at most twice.
  • One kilo of strawberry fetches you KES 400/=
  • The plant can grow in various soils from sandy loam to clay.
  • Doctors are recommending their diabetes and high blood pressure patients to eat strawberries. This is because strawberry contains high levels of potassium and magnesium help to regulate blood pressure and help promote nutrient function. The magnesium content also relaxes nerves and muscles and keeps blood circulating smoothly. This is a new and growing market for strawberry grower
  • Strawberry is richer in vitamin c than citrus fruit. The very high content of vitamin C supplies 160% of daily requirement in one serving of 147 Gms of this fruit.
  • You can earn over 3 million shillings a year from an acre of STRAWBERRY THE EASY WAY. You won’t have to apply for a loan to get that amount of money. All you’ll need is to invest a few thousand, labor, time, some marketing and you’ll get the money PAP!!!
So, which strawberry variety is suitable for you?
I would recommend you grow Chandler. This variety was bred by the University of California, and it produces medium-sized fruits of between 20-30 grams. Below, is a photo I took at the NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL SHOW of the strawberry variety.Strawberry, Chandler variety
Why Chandler?
You can produce 3 harvests per year from a single plant. The plant produces big, sweet fruits that will sell like hot cake once you harvest.
The variety is easy to grow; you can never go wrong…
Where do you get this variety?
You can get this variety from the many contacts across the internet, or a farmer near you. One question you need to ask yourself, “Would the advice he gives you to enable you to exploit the potential of the crop fully?”
Here’s a fact that you may not know about strawberry…
Did you know a hectare can produce 57.7 tons strawberry? Yes! Cyprus is doing it. The USA follows closely with 56.1 tons. You may say, “Those are developed countries.”
Here’s another fact about strawberry “Kenya has the best weather for strawberry, so we should harvest more per hectare.”
Here is my 50 cent piece of advice, “Buy strawberry runners from an expert.”
This is because there are over 30 varieties in Kenya. A first-time grower would not be able to distinguish- one from another.
THAT’S WHERE I COME IN. I will show you the Chandler variety. My runners have proven yield potential, and are free of diseases. Should you purchase from elsewhere, you could be left on your own to try your luck, or get a wrong variety.
Surely, that’s a bad place to be…
Yet you’d want someone to guide you- Who is a phone call away and who’d be willing to visit your farm.
Who’s ready to teach you: How to control diseases, the right fertilizers to use, when and how to harvest. So that you can succeed in every way!
Further, I am a graduate of Horticulture from Egerton University, not to mention the many years of field practice under my belt.
How much will these cost me?
Well, one runner costs 15 shillings. That means 5,000 runners will cost you KES 75,000 shillings. But consider this as an investment. In a number of months, you will start earning revenue, and this can go on for 3-5 years. These 5,000 runners will cover an area of 20 M X 20 M.
Here is the value that you will receive after placing an order of 5,000 runners
  • Free technical advice on the type of fungicides, pesticides, and fertilizers to use. 
  • A free PRODUCTION MANUAL worth KES. 1,000 showing you a step by step process of fertilizer application, pest control, when and how to harvest.
  • A free KNAPSACK SPRAYER worth KES. 2,500
  • A free 2 MONTHS SUPPLY of carefully selected FOLIAR FEED worth KES. 5,000 that will ensure rapid development of roots immediately after transplanting. The foliar feeds supply the most needed but deficient minerals in most soils in Kenya.
  • A 20 kg bag of specially formulated HIGH POTASSIUM FERTILIZER worth KES 5,500. This fertilizer enhances fruit development. You will never find this fertilizer in any ORDINARY agro-vet shop around the country as it is imported from Israel. In fact, and this is a ‘SECRET’- this fertilizer is what will make you get amazing returns from your strawberry farm.
How much yield should I expect from the 5,000 runners?
You can harvest up to 1-2 tons from that space. But that will depend on a number of factors. Like are you using the correct fertilizer, how is the weather, are you doing some irrigation etc.
One kilo goes for 400 shillings. That means you can sell up to 400,000 shilling. If you remove your expenses form this amount, you could remain with as much as 250 K or more.

Contact me today for your order!!
Haron Mogeni

PS: Don’t let this opportunity slip away from your hands…
PPS: You have all it takes to earn these amazing amounts of money from strawberry. PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY!!
Conditions a favoring the growth of strawberry
Strawberries must be exposed to full sun and a uniform temperature of 20-30 degrees. They need protection from wind as winds dry fruit and plants during the growing season.
The plant can grow in various soils from sandy loam to clay. Strawberry will respond positively to high organic matter content in the soil.
Strawberry prefers slightly acidic soil with a ph of 5.5-6.5.
Where not to grow strawberry.
You should not grow where the following crops have been planted before. Strawberries, potatoes, beans, carrots, peppers, okra, eggplants, alfalfa, vine crops, have grown as certain diseases and insect pests, fungal diseases like black rot, verticillium wilt. Also avoid sites which have been infested with sedge, nut grass, quack grass, Johnson grass.
How to plant strawberry
You plant strawberries in holes big enough to slightly spread the roots out. And deep enough to bring the soil halfway up the crown. Make sure the crown is above the soil.
Management of runners.
Position the runners with about 15 cm spacing between them. Only allow a few runners per plant, then remove additional runners to promote crown growth.
The width of each bed should be limited to 60 cm to maintain easy access to the planting. Runner plants that grow outside the 60 cm should be pruned back into the bed to root or be removed if the plants become too crowded.
The runners can be positioned into the desired row width before they root and held in place with small stones, clumps of soil or hair pins.
Soon after planting, the crowns will produce a few leaves and flower buds. During the planting year, all flowers should be removed. This will encourage the growth runners and plant vigor.
The runners will be able to fill out the bed, leading to better yields the following year.
Spacing Of Strawberry Plants
Mother plants are 45cm apart in rows of 1-meter Daughter plants are spaced to root no closer than 4 inches apart. All other runners are pulled out or cut from mother plants.
The roots grow following a fixed pattern of three new roots emerging from each side of the base of the leaf. Generally, there are 20-35 primary active roots.
The root system is located mainly in the upper 20 cm layer of soil. The root system is shallow, with 80-90% in the top 15 cm.
A primary root lives for one year and is replaced by newer roots as new leaves are formed at successively higher levels of the crown. Fertility, water supply, and aeration at soil depths greater than 15 cm are a major concern.
Placing 2-3 cm of soil layer over plant bed after harvest will enhance new root formation and make the plant less vulnerable to cold and drought.
After the first harvest, in the second season, strawberries should be fertilized after rejuvenation. Water the fertilizer to get down to the root zone. This application is made in a vigorous condition and to promote new growth and thus the development of these new fruit buds.
Berries ripen 28-30 days after they bloom. The time between first blooms to full bloom can be 11-12 days. A great increase in the number of ripe fruit occurs over a period of first 4-6 days of harvest.
Berries are harvested every other day under normal temperature for about 6-7 pickings.
Avoid picking the fruit when the plants are wet. Keep harvested berries out of the sun and place them under refrigeration as soon as possible.
Pick berries when they are fully colored for optimal size and flavor. Berries do not improve in quality after picking.
Harvested berries should be sold and delivered within 24 hours to avoid spoilage. About six pickers can harvest an acre of berries or 10,000 pounds over the season.
An average picker can harvest 10 quarts per hour over the entire season. Under excellent conditions, up to 175 quarts may be harvested by an average picker.
Hand pick berries daily and pick all berries that are ripe. Toss out moldy berries to prevent rots from spreading.
Strawberry production can go on for 3-5 years if plants are vigorous bed is weed free and the planting is properly renewed every year.
Strawberry plants tend to be infected with leaf diseases which may result in declining yields if not treated timely.
To prevent overcrowding of plants reduces the incidence of leaf diseases then plants to 5-7 plants per 30 cm to 30 cm, next spread a light 1-2 cm layer over remaining plants does not bury the crowns.
Place your order today!!
Call Haron Mogeni

PS: Time and opportunity happen to all, it’s only the brave who make use of every opportunity.
PPS: Opportunities tend to slip from people’s hands if not exploited immediately. Place your order today!!

Sunday 7 December 2014

How to grow spinach the easy and profitable way

Dear farmer,

You can earn 250,000 shillings per month growing spinach on one acre. Yes! This is very possible. Here is a little story of a multinational company with interests in agriculture all over the world.

That company is Unilever. Spinach contributes 28% of Unilever key crops. Tea contributes 16%; peas 13% while tomatoes and palm oil contribute 7% respectively.

One thing I do know, the big boys like Unilever know where the money is. It is nowhere else other than the production and processing of spinach.

Growing spinach is a golden goose, often misunderstood. Once you discover its secret, it will lay golden eggs for you — FOR A LONG-LONG TIME.

IF you are searching for fresh ideas that will help you earn more…

THEN, read on. After reading this article, you will realize spinach production is VERY-VERY profitable.

Your bank account will overflow with money. Raising school fees will be easy like rowing downstream. In fact your neighbors will be green with envy as they see you drive the latest Toyota model.

They will wonder as you drive past them, the source of your new found wealth.

If only they knew your secret…

Here are experiences of organizations and people earning a living from spinach.

After retiring from service in 1985, I ventured into poultry farming. My 12,000 broilers died in 1997 and left me desolate. I pooled resources and planted spinach on an eighth of my land as spinach grows very fast. In a short time, I started selling the vegetables. In a month, I earn up to 60,000 shilling from 1/8 acre

Major retired Francis Mutua Ndolo

Landless estate, Kiambu County

Spinach is one of the key crops that Unilever is testing under its sustainable agriculture initiative.

Growing for the future

Spinach: for a sustainable future, Unilever.

One acre of spinach yields 6 tons#Kenyans4Kenya project in #Moyale 64 acres on drip irrigation

A tweet by The Kenya red cross

Here are some basic facts why spinach is increasingly becoming popular.

According to Dutch scientists from the University of Leiden, spinach contains tyrosine an amino acid that stimulates the production of dopaline a hormone enhancing mental abilities. The basis of Steve Jobs success was he ate foods rich in tyrosine like spinach, bananas almonds and peaches.

Source: fresh

Spinach is rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin A.

So, what is the key to successful spinach production?

Here is what John Navazio an agricultural consultant says:

“To appreciate why spinach misbehaves, one must recognize the plants humble origins. It is a cool season crop originally grown in fall and winter in the Middle East.”

To grow spinach profitably you must understand its likes and dislikes. Spinach is a cool season crop. Temperatures above 27 degrees can retard its growth.

Second, spinach does not like an acidic soil. It prefers a soil with a PH of 6-7.5

It also requires light showers accompanied by periods of sunlight. Heavy rains lead to attack of spinach by downy mildew disease.

That is why there is a shortage of spinach in the months of April through May and October through December in Kenya. This is because spinach is devastated by downy mildew, a disease prevalent during the rainy season. downy mildew in spinach1

Downy mildew disease is very difficult to control once your spinach is attacked. This results to a biting spinach shortage during the above said months.

downy mildew in spinach 2

So, how can you take advantage of the weakness of spinach and earn good money from it?

FACT: Selling the vegetable in the months of shortage earns more. Therefore, you must time production to match peak market and shortage. To do this, establish your nursery at MID March for long rains season and MID October for short rains season.

Doing that ensures that the spinach is at the nursery in the time of heaviest rainfall. The seedlings will be ready for transplanting when the rain is subsiding. And will reach maturity when the rain is almost ending.

The reason why it’s best to establish a nursery during the rainy season is “you can easily control diseases in the nursery”

At the nursery, you can easily monitor diseases and spray suitable fungicides regularly.

Cover the nursery with a plastic sheet to avoid the plants getting excessive rain and avoid an attack by downy mildew disease.

Further, the nursery acts as storehouse of your spinach plants. They await there for the opportune time for transplanting.

Avoid growing spinach in low lying areas that are prone to flooding as flooding increases the incidence of disease.