

Tuesday 17 January 2012


Sorghum is a rain fed crop, sown after the onset of the long rain season. Where the seed bed is not fine it is paramount to increase the seeding rate to compensate for poor seed-bed or to allow for unfavorable moisture conditions. A fine seed bed is compulsory for better seedling establishment.

The planting field should be prepared well in advance of sowing. Seed rate is 7-10 kg/ ha or 3-4 kg/acre. Dry planting is highly recommended.  When dry planted, planting depth should be 5 cm but when planting in a moist soil use planting depth of 2.5-4 cm.  Row spacing is 75 cm and distance between plants about 20 cm. For semi arid areas, row spacing should be 90 cm and the spacing between plants is 15 cm. 

Sorghum requires about 20 kg N/ha and 20 kg P/ha at planting time, which can be supplied by alternate cropping with legumes and application of compost or manure. Also intercropping with legumes is recommended with grain legumes such as beans, cowpeas, pigeon peas and green gram. Manure and compost improve organic matter content of the soil, soil moisture retention ability and soil structure.

Manure can be broad cast in the field or applied in planting furrows and mixed with soil before seeds are planted. The standard farm wheelbarrow when full holds approximately 25 kg of dry manure/compost. At a low rate, two wheel barrows are enough for a 10m by 10m area. This translates into 200 wheelbarrows or 5 tons/ha. When aiming for high seed rate, apply 400 wheelbarrows or 10 tons of manure per hectare.

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