

Friday 15 June 2012


The purpose of filling vases with flowers is to bring the beauty of nature to our living rooms, offices bedrooms or play areas.

Other people put hanging baskets in their patios or corridors among other places thus creating a hospitable environment for themselves and their visitors.

Acquiring suitable plants for example cut flowers for our homes is expensive as they have to be imported or transported from far away if they are locally produced.

Despite the huge expense incurred, the beauty especially of cut flowers lasts for a maximum of two weeks, thereafter the blooms wilt.

God in his wisdom created different plants suited for different niches and whose foliage is of different colors.

It is possible to find aesthetic beauty in plants, each unique in its own way without incurring a recurring expense for cut flowers.

There are numerous ways of filling our homes with plants and for this instance I will discuss about terrariums.

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Terrarium/ bottle gardens

A terrarium is a transparent glass or container retaining high humidity used in displaying growing plants in the indoors.

When properly planted with a suitable plant species, these miniature gardens may remain healthy and beautiful for several years.

Terrarium means growing plants in bottles. It is also known as indoor plants growth unit.

Terrarium is derived from two Greek words; ‘Terra’, which means the earth, while arium means, of the home.

Principles of growing plants in a terrarium

1. When plants are given proper light, moisture, humidity and temperature, they can be maintained in a sealed container for many years without additional water or air from the outside environment.

2. Terrarium is just like a mini jungle floor where plants receive fitted light and air and the soils are saturated with moisture.

Moisture in the jungle evaporates and then produces clouds which then produce rain.

Similarly in a Terrarium, the moisture evaporates then condenses on the glass and runs back to the soil. This cycle is repeated indefinitely.

3. A Terrarium can be likened to a sealed glasshouse where light enters and provides heat energy to the plants.

4. Carbon dioxide produced during respiration by plants is used for photosynthesis.

5. In a Terrarium, carbon dioxide and oxygen are constantly recycled within its confines.

Containers for terrariums

For a container to be suitable for use in a Terrarium, it must possess the following qualities;

1. It should admit light through it (transparent glass or plastic)

2. It should hold a suitable amount of soil to sustain plant growth.

3. It should be large enough to allow some growth of the plants.

4. It should be able to provide adequate air volume when planted.

5. It should be covered easily to hold moisture within it.

A true Terrarium is a sealed container, which is only opened for maintenance purposes.

However, open Terrarium have been developed and are placed in lighted areas, on the other hand, sealed Terrariums do not tolerate sunlight; they are placed in areas with diffused light.

Characteristics of plants suitable for a terrarium

They should be able to tolerate high humidity, moist soil, constant temperature, low light intensity and are shade tolerant.

They should be slow growing plants

A variety of sizes, colors of foliage will be desirable to make a terrarium unique.

A typical planting will consist of some plants that will be tall, low growing and some that will provide ground cover.

The best plants to choose from are those which like moisture and warmth and grow fairly slowly. Flowering plants are vulnerable to mould in the humid atmosphere thus encourage disease.

Placement of the Terrarium

Avoid placing next to windows; terrariums do not tolerate too much light.

Maintenance of Terrarium

Once they are established, they will go for months without watering. One may need to water only if the container feels light in weight or if the compost starts to turn grayish in color.

If, there are soil particles or mud splashes on the inside of the jar, clean them with a piece of sponge or dump cloth attached to the wire.

Condensation can be a problem when the bottle is first closed but this clears within a day or two; if the mistiness persists, remove the lead for a few hours to let the compost to dry.

Once a week, look at your bottle garden to check if it needs any attention which may be;

Trim the plants with a razor blade if they are growing vigorously.

Prune carefully any dead leaves, remove decaying matter or discolored leaves.

Spray a little insecticide into the terrarium if any diseases or pests have gained entry.

Fertilize the soil with liquid fertilizers or preferably slow release fertilizers.

List of plants suitable for terrariums

1. Aglaenema commutatum

2. Adiantum sp

3. Fittonia sp

4. Calathea sp

5. Peperomia sp

6. Begonia sp

7. Saxifraga sp

8. Zebrina pendula

9. Pilea cadieri sp

10. Dracaena sp

11. Marantha sp

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